Doha Brethren Assembly

Doha Brethren Assembly Sunday School

From Adam and Eve to Paul's missionary journeys and finally the doctrines , kids learn all about the Bible and how to apply it in their lives. With various lessons for different classes, we hope to equip our kids wit/h the knowledge they need to live Godly lives. We have 14 classes with 74 students.

Academic Calendar 2024

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Super Seniors Memory Verse
Joash Renji M First  Josiah 116
Gladwin Nixom Second Josiah 83
Evangelyn K Alexander Third Joash 76
Seniors Memory Verse
Angela Lissa Varghese First  Josiah


Leann Ann Mathew Second Joash 162
Joanna Jaison Third Josiah 118
Juniors Memory Verse
Micaiah Boby Abraham First  Josiah 332
Elyzabeth M Alexander Second Josiah 199
Jemimah Susan Shinu Second Joash 199
Janice Lesly John Third Joash 192
Sub Juniors Memory Verse 
Jacqueline Charly First 


Natania Amy John Second Joash 263
Davis Denny Third Josiah 221
Kids Memory Verse
Jorden John Abraham First  Josiah 228
Johaan Samuel Johnson Second Josiah 227
Noah Philip Bob Third Joash 181
KG Memory Verse
Christiana Chandy Alexander First  Josiah 100
Mathews Denny Second Joash 71
Yonatan G Paul Third Joash 39
Super Seniors Elocution 
Joycelyn Ammu Reji First Josiah
Evangelyn Elsie Alexander Second Joash  
Joash Renji M Third Josiah
Seniors Elocution
Joanna Jaison First Joash
Leann Ann Mathew Second Josiah
Angela Lissa Varghese Third Josiah  
Intermediates Elocution
Timothy Ginsh First Joash
Joelah Eliza Jogy Second Josiah
Ann Joseph Cheeran Third Josiah  
Juniors Story Telling
Elyzabeth Marie Alexander First Josiah
Nicolas Blesson Second Josiah
Micaiah Boby Abraham Second Josiah  
Chris Godli James Third Joash  
Sub Juniors Story Telling
Rayan Mark Tony First Josiah
Jacqueline Charly Second Joash
Mathew Ginsh Third Josiah  
Kids Story Telling
Noah Philip Bob First  Josiah
Faith Betty Mathew Second Josiah  
Emmanuel Koshy Alexander Third Joash
Jorden John Abraham Third Joash  
KG Story Telling
Evan Mathew Thomas First Joash
Sian Samson Second Josiah
Mathews Denny Third Joash  
Super Seniors Light Music
Joycelyn Ammu Reji First Josiah
Lois Rachel Sam Second Joash
Haniel Mathews Third Joash  
Seniors Light Music
Nathan Blesson Abraham First  Josiah
Johanna Susan Jogy Second Joash  
Joanna Jaison Third Josiah  
Intermediates Light Music
Timothy Ginsh First  Joash
Asher Mathew Sam Second Joash
Ann Joseph Cheeran Third Josiah  
Juniors Light Music
Micaiah Boby Abraham First  Josiah
Chris Godli James Second Joash
Nicolas Blesson Third Josiah  
Sub Juniors Light Music
Mathew Ginsh First  Josiah
Rayan Mark Tony Second Josiah
Angela Shinu Third Joash  
Nathan Thomsa Oommen Third Josiah  
Kids Light Music
Evan Mathew Thomas First  Joash
Sian Samson Second Josiah
Christina Chandy Alexander Third Josiah  
KG Light Music
Evan Mathew Thomas First  Joash
Sian Samson Second Josiah
Christina Chandy Alexander Third Josiah  
Memory Verse Champion (Super Seniors, Seniors & Intermediates) : Angela Varghese 200
Memory Verse Champion (Juniors, Sub Juniors, Kids & KG): Micaiah Boby Abraham 332
Consolation Prizes for Memory Verse:
1 Chris Godli James Joash 91  
2 John Lesly Joash 123  
3 Zoe Grace Bazal Josiah 120  
4 Mathew Ginsh Josiah 105  
5 Angela Shinu Joash 89  
6 Benett Bejoy Joash 85  
7 Aanya Aleyam Gladson Joash 180  
8 Anaya Rossam Gladson Josiah 180  
9 Emmanuel Koshy Alexander Joash 152  
10 Johan Sibyal Joash 90  
11 Eliza Bejoy Josiah 87  
12 Serah Jobin Joash 85  
13 Faith Betty Mathew Josiah 71  
14 Brettlin Blesson Joash 32  
15 Sian Samson Josiah 29  
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